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Peter Wright in Guard's Chapel London with Mrs Wright, daughter Anne and grandchildren. |
Back to a hard working peaceful life on the farm at Church farm Blythburgh. His first farm. He later moved as a tenant on the Helmingham Estate in 1956. Helmingham estate is owned by the Tollemache family, the late Lord Tollemache was in the Coldstream Guards. |
Peter Wright, taking the salute from the Desert rats Association. |
Peter Wright, with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2nd row from the front, extreme right hand side.
Any help with the others invited. |
Cpl T. D. Bowman's squad, Coldstream Guards, March 1937. Peter Wright back left. |
Peter Wright 4th row from the back on the extreme right. |
Peter Wright with other V.C's. Any help with the others invited. |
James Wright, as a young man circa 1920 - Peter Wright's father and the father of thirteen of Peter's brothers and sisters. |
Peter's brother Bob Wright, taken prisoner by the Japanese in Singapore shown here as President SCBA 1981. |
Peter Wright, with Blythburgh British Legion |
Peter Wright, circa 1944. |
Peter Wright, with Charlie Smy M.B.E. & D.C.M. ex RSM Coldstream Guards. |
Peter Wright, at Church Farm Blythburgh in his civvies after the war - demob suit? |
Peter Wright, with the late Harry Nichols V.C. centre. Any help with the other invited. |
Peter Wright, front row second from the left. In the desert. Were you there? Any help with the others invited. |
The late Captain Ian Oswald Liddell V.C. Coldstream Guards. Died of wounds received in action. |
Peter Wright, with painting of Captain Liddell's action, which led to the award of V.C to Captain Liddell. Action dated 3rd April 1945 Germany (Bridge over the river Ems near Lingen). Painting commissioned May 1989 by the Coldstream Guards. |
Peter Wright and Charlie Smy M.B.E. D.C.M. and other. Any help invited. |
Peter Wright, with Charlie Smy M.B.E. D.C.M centre, a great lifetime friend of Peter's. |
Peter Wright with Mrs Wright and the late Ivory Perkins who took in Mrs Wright as a "vaccy" during the war in Derbyshire. At Buckingham Palace (year unknown). |
Peter Wright attending the Trooping of the Colour late 1980's. |
Peter Wright, full dress uniform, date unknown. |
Peter Wright, with others, unknown. |
Peter Wright, with others, unknown. |
Peter Wright, in desert uniform Egypt, before the start of the war. |
Peter Wright, with fellow Guardsman, pre-war. |
Peter and Mrs. Wright with the Queen, Buckingham Palace garden party, date thought to be late 60's. |
Peter and Mrs. Wright withdaughter in law Jane and the late Queen Mother. |
Peter Wright, front row fourth from left. |
Peter Wright, with print of Peter Archer's painting of the action in Salerno which resulted in the VC. |
Peter Wright shortly after the award of V.C. |
Peter Wright with mangels at Church Farm Blythburgh. Thought to be early 1950. |
Peter Wright with mangels at Church Farm Blythburgh. |
In the desert during the war. Peter is on the far right. Any help with the others would be welcome. |
Regimental Dinner London. Time and venue unknown. Any help would be welcome. |